Tournaments Overview

During the weekend, we will have one Main Tournament (6 rounds, Thursday to Sunday), and three Mini Tournaments (3 rounds each, deployed in three different time frames Thursday to Sunday). 

All tournaments use the common Tournament Rules. The Main tournament use a Swiss Style pairing, while the mini’s use pairing according to number of players.


Main Tournament

Operation Market Garden
Thursday – Sunday

Mini A

Thursday – Friday

Mini B

Friday – Saturday

Mini C

Saturday – Sunday

Rules and Guidelines


1. The Tournament

The nature of tournaments is to encourage competition, camaraderie and to learn from others. Disagreements are part of the game, and they should be resolved in the best possible manner. If asked, the RD or TD can be helpful to solve the issue in any way he decides. Players can hopefully resolve questions among themselves. However, if the RD or TD is asked to intervene or make a decision, it is final and binding.

Furthermore, everybody should enjoy their stay and have a pleasant time. That means; drink responsibly, keep a decent pace when you play, don’t be a bad loser, respect each other etc.

2. Rules

The tournament uses the official ASL Rules, 2nd edition, with the exceptions of the TOURNAMENT SSR’s as mentioned below.

3. Precision Dice and Dice Tower

We would like all players to use precision dice (with dots and ball-cornered). Semi-Precision dice like Battleschool dice are not precision dice and not allowed unless you and your opponent agrees upon using them. There will be plenty of precision dice available to lend out and for sale. 

We would also like all players to use a Dice tower if possible. Noisy dice equipment is NA. Dice towers are available to lend out and possibly for sale. 

DICE-TOWER USAGE: When a DR or dr is made each die must, together with each other die, be rolled through the full height of the dice-tower and end its roll flat on the tower-floor. Otherwise, the entire DR or dr must be re-rolled.

4. Time Limits

Players are free to take the time they feel they need to play a thoughtful and considerate game. However, excessive delay is NA. Opponents may always prompt players to move along play if they perceive the time is excessive.

Set up for either side should not be much longer than 30 min.

During  each round, we will also announce the time left when we are closing in.

Note that slow playing will lead to disadvantage if the game has to be judged.

5. Hints and advices

Comments about tactics on other players games in progress are not allowed. Neither from any Director nor from other players.
Players may ask about rules, but comments regarding tactics are NA.

6. Judgement of a Game

All games must have a winner, ie there can be no draw.

If you run out of time when you play a round your game may be decided by judging. We strongly recommend the players to determine the winner without interference by an external judge (it’s very hard for a third partie to evaluate a game they haven’t been part of, or understand your brilliant ideas etc).

Determining the winner can be done by discussing the game and agreeing on a suitable minus DRM for the most favored side – The lower final DR wins. If you roll equal the favored side wins, or you are doing a reroll.

If you agree before you start rolling, you could do a “Best of three DR”.

If you still can’t solve this, call for the TD or RD that will judge the game in any way he thinks are suited for the situation at hand. Penalties for slow play (or cause for the delay) will be part of the judgement. The judge either determine the winner, or let the players roll a DR with suitable DRM’s as above.

7. HIP Notes

If the tournament provide HIP notes, they are to be used. Player´s HIP notes are subject to TD inspection. Please show your HIP sheet to your opponent when applicable during the game.

8. If you are late to your Game

If you by some reason are late to your game the following applies:
Firstly, call or text the TD and inform about the delay.

  • After 5 min: Your opponent should inform the TD.
  • After 10 min: Your opponent may choose scenario and which side to play.
  • After 30 min: Your opponent have the opportunity to declare WO (this option should only be used if there is no communication. Normally people that are late talk to each other and agree on what to do.)


1. Kindling

Kindling (B25.11) is NA unless specifically allowed by a scenario SSR

2. Offboard Artillery

When attempting Battery Access for an OBA Module and no more than one black and/or red chit(s) have been permanently removed from the Draw Pile and the second permanently-removed red chit is drawn, return it to the Draw Pile instead, and that ends the Observer’s OBA actions for that Player Turn (i.e., the second red chit can only be removed from the Draw Pile if at least two black chits have been permanently removed from the Draw Pile for that OBA Module). An Original Contact/Maintenance DR of 12 does not cause the breakdown of a Radio or elimination of a Field Phone, although an Original DR of 12 does cause the loss of Radio-/Phone-Contact.

3. Flamethrowers

Basic TK# for a FT-mounted-AFV is 6 at one hex and 4 at two hexes and 3 at three hex range. The same decreased TK# applies for an Infantry FT (i.e., 6 at one hex range and 4 at two hex range). Modifications of the Basic TK# (C7.2) apply.

4. Vehicle Crews

Vehicle Crews can never gain Control of Terrain.

5. Unarmed Vehicles

Any Unarmed Vehicle with no MMC Passengers is immediately Recalled.

6. Snap Shot

Snap Shots are NA across Walls/Hedges, nor across a Crest line that is Higher than the shooter.

7. Enemy AFV

D2.6 ENEMY AFV: A vehicle cannot voluntarily stop or end its MPh in Motion in an enemy AFV’s hex (whether Known or not) unless it can do so out of that AFV’s LOS (i.e., while Bypassing a hexside opposite that of the DEFENDER’s Bypass AFV), or unless it can, at the moment and position of entry into that hex, attack that AFV (regardless of its To Hit possibility) and be capable of destroying or shocking it with an Original TK or IFT DR of 5 (using a non-Depletable ammo type available to the vehicle). A vehicle thus barred from remaining in an AFV’s hex may not attempt ESB in that hex, and may check if VBM is allowed out of that hex prior to attempting VBM (2.3), if the vehicle still end its MPh in the hex it is immediately turned into a wreck as if eliminated in CC.


Scenario selection

There are six Round Directors that have selected 3 scenarios each. The scenarios will be presented on this website the 13th of May.

Round outline

Each Round has the following outline:

  • The Round Director will be presented.
  • The RD presents his scenarios for the current round.
  • Players find each other and agrees on playing table.
  • Players determine scenario.
  • Players bid for side.
  • The game starts. Please don’t spend more than 30 minutes on setup.


Please note the end time for your round. If it’s an evening round you are welcome to play as long as you want to, but decice the definite end time together with you opponent before you bid for sides. I

Determine scenario

To determine which scenario you will play, you should use the following method;

Both of you secretly choose one of the three scenarios that you don’t want to play, and give the other two a priority of 1 or 2 (the lower, the more you want to play that scenario). 

The outcome will give you what scenario to play, unless you both have deleted the same one, and given the remaining two different priority. If that happens you will roll a die to determine which scenario you are going to play.

Determine sides

Side selection is done by using the Point Bidding System (PBS).

Each Scenario and side have 0 to 9 points. The more points you bid on a side, the more you want to play that side, ie you are giving a handicap to your opponent. The points are used by your opponent to buy advantages from a table. All tables are unique and presented together with the scenario’s.

Both opponents secretly record their bid and reveal it then simultaneously.

The possible results of PBS bidding are as follows:

  • Opponents bid different sides; Each opponent plays the side AND the handicap level he bid.
  • If both opponents bid the same side, the opponent bidding the higher plays that side and level he bid, and the other opponent plays the opposite side at handicap level 0.
  • If opponents bid the same side and handicap level, roll a die for each player. The lowest die plays the side and level he bid; higher die plays the other side at level 0.


Note! If playing the director responsible for the specific round the opponent will choose scenario and side. No bidding will take place.

If you need any help with this during the tournament, just call for any of the directors.

And of course – If you both agree on a scenario and/or side, it’s up to you as long as it’s one of the scenarios from the current round.


General Guidelines

All players have a rating, which is stored on If you aren’t registered at ASL Player Rating System your rating will be set to 1500.

The first round we split the list of players in two; The top ranked and the lower ranked. We then randomly pair the top half against the lower half. 

The following rounds winners are randoimized against each other, and losers against each other.

The first three rounds we try to avoid pairing players that normally play against each other, or are from the same country.

If you have any preferences against whom you want to play, please inform the tournament and we will see if it’s practicable. 

In all events the Tournament Director have the final word.